Carol Ann Collins


Early REVIEWS image
"Author Carol Ann Collins uses the pirate’s story and the rumor of his treasure to create a tale with all the ingredients mixed in perfect proportions."   
 - Riannbooks

"You will not be disappointed." - Jackie C.

"The author's attention to detail and the seamless integration of Blackbeard lore into the plot create a sense of authenticity and provide a fascinating backdrop for the unfolding mystery." - Melyssa T.

"The mystery in the story - the coins, the treasure, the deaths, made me want to keep turning the pages to find out how it was all connected."  - Sarah R.

"A strong cast gives this conventional whodunit a healthy boost." Kirkus Reviews


Secrets are revealed. Lies are exposed. And in order to have a future, William and Eva will have to delve into the past.

William Templeton, widower and police chief of Eden, North Carolina is working the scene of a local woman's drowning when the body is found with an old gold coin in her pocket – identical to a coin that was discovered on Catherine's body, his estranged wife, over a year ago. Catherine's case, originally deemed a tragic accident, has been reopened, forcing William to step down as police chief.

Historian and Blackbeard expert, Eva Knightly, is brought into the investigation to help identify the coins and can't understand why her good friend Catherine never mentioned anything about it. When more coins surface at a local church, Eva and William know it's more than mere coincidence. With the entire town whispering about Blackbeard, cursed coins, and lost treasure, it becomes hard to separate what is true and what is a myth.

The Seafarer's Secret is a thrilling cinematic mystery featuring the exigent slow-burning romance between William and Eva as they work together to reveal the secrets and lies of Eden, North Carolina. Though, in order to have a future, they'll have to look deep into the past to keep from being a modern-day killer's next victim.

The publication date for THE SEAFARER'S SECRET has been moved to March 26, 2024!!!


At an exclusive private school in Seattle, three senior girls vie for one spot at Stanford University, and their mothers will do (almost) anything to ensure their own daughter is the one chosen.

I didn't expect to like this book as much as I did, but the authors built a delicate house of cards and then skillfully took it apart, piece-by-piece. Each revealed card bringing a new plot twist or action (usually by the moms, but occasionally a dad) that left me thinking, "You've got to be kidding" or "People actually do this?" I soon found myself unable to stop reading. 

As a mom with a son in graduate school and a daughter in college, I've recently been through the college application process. I'm thankful our experience was nothing like the ones portrayed in this book and though I know it's fiction, at times it felt all too real. It made me think about the pressure we put on our kids and how what we think we're doing for their own good, might be the worst thing we could do.


It was difficult for me to put this book down once I started it.  Every time I thought I had something figured out, the author switched things up and I'd have to rethink everything. It's hard to say much on what this book is about because I think it's best to let all the details surprise you as you read.

I'm a diehard Happily Ever After kind of woman. If it doesn't have a happy ending, I don't want to read it.  Let's face it, there are enough sad endings in the world. Why do I want to spend my free time reading one? (As an aside, I totally blame this on an Amish "romance" I read thirty years ago where the author killed off the hero in the next to last chapter. It left me scarred for life).

I say all that because as we got closer and closer to the end, I became more and more worried about the ending. And while I have been known to read the ending first, I didn't in this case (probably because I read it too fast) and I'm so glad. Schwab is a masterful storyteller. You're in good hands.


Now you don't have to wait!

Get a digital ARC copy immediately here.

Or enter to win a print ARC on my Instagram.

Happy reading!!!


Publishers Marketplace announced the deal for THE SEAFARER'S SECRET!


I'm beyond excited to share that THE SEAFARER'S SECRET will be published by Beaufort Books!

This book has been years and  many, many versions in the making.  It's a story I couldn't stop thinking about, filled with characters who wouldn't leave me alone. I  can't wait until you read it.

More details to follow as they come!

Writing allows Carol Ann Collins to combine two of her favorite things, history and romance. Her work is a combination of historical fact, pure fiction, and a vivid imagination. An avid reader since childhood, she is also a New York Times bestselling author under a different pen name.

Though she is an introvert who had no problem staying inside during quarantine, she enjoys traveling with her husband and two adult children. In her spare time, she is an avid book collector and bargain shopper who loves to combine the two. To date, her favorite find is an 1869 edition of INNOCENTS ABROAD by Mark Twain purchased for $10.

About Me image

Deleted Scene: Catherine Dies

Deleted scene. Catherine's POV

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